Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai Wiki
Rascal Does Not Dream of Santa Claus
Volume 13
Volume Information
Kanji 青春ブタ野郎はサンタクロースの夢を見ない
Rōmaji Seishun Buta Yarō wa Santakurōsu no Yume o Minai
Written by Hajime Kamoshid


Illustrated by Keeji Mizoguchi
Featured in Cover Nene Iwamizawa
Release Date JapónJuly 7, 2023 (JP)[1]
United StatesAugust 20, 2024[2]
ISBN JapónISBN 9784049148671
United StatesISBN 9781975391607
Pages 216
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Light Novel Volume 12 Light Novel Volume 14

Rascal Does Not Dream of Santa Claus (青春ブタ野郎はサンタクロースの夢を見ない, Seishun Buta Yarō wa Santakurōsu no Yume o Minai) is the thirteenth volume of the Seishun Buta Yarou Light Novel series.


"I'll protect Mai-san."

"Then, I'll protect Sakuta."

The 13th installment of the series that approaches the truth.

Story Notes[]

  • On Christmas Day, the day after Sakuta has a strange dream, Mai receives an offer from her agent to perform at a music festival. Sakuta and Mai leave the Hakone resort they were staying in, and discuss the offer. Mai plans to take up the offer and perform on April 1.
  • When they return home in the evening, Kaede draws their attention to the fact that "#dreaming" is trending again. Kaede also tells of a dream she had, in which she became "the other Kaede".
  • After remembering her phone number in the dream he had, Sakuta contacts Ikumi Akagi, finding out that she had a similar dream to Sakuta.
  • On December 28 at cram school, Kento Yamada tells of a dream he had in which he was going on a date with Juri Yoshiwa instead of Sara Himeji. Juri arrives to the session with a hint that she had the same dream as Kento.
  • On January 3, while Sakuta, Mai and Kaede are at the old Azusagawa home, Sakuta finds out that Mai did not have a dream on the night of Christmas Eve. On their way home, Sakuta learns via a phone call that Nodoka dreamed about performing on stage with Sweet Bullet again.
  • On January 5, Sara is hired to work at Sakuta's diner, and teases long-time waitress Tomoe Koga over her attempts to win Sakuta. At the end of the shift, Tomoe reveals that she dreamed that Mai was a Fujisawa police officer for the day on February 4, but was left in a coma by a piece of equipment falling on her.
  • After Sakuta gets home, however, Mai calls him to inform him that she decided to become police officer for a day on February 4.
  • The next day, Sakuta returns to uni. His acquaintance Takumi Fukuyama reveals that he dreamed that he went back to Hokkaido to see family.
  • Later that day, Sakuta sits an exam. Nene Iwamizawa interrupts it in order to drag Sakuta away, then interrogate him on why Mai claimed to be "Touko Kirishima".
  • Nene is led to believe that no-one else can see her, and she did not dream of anything on Christmas Eve. She also offers to date Sakuta. After Nene leaves, Miori Mitou appears in front of Sakuta, asking about the girl in a Santa costume.
  • Sakuta and Miori find out that Nene disappeared from social media after Mai arrived at uni the previous April.
  • On their way to cram school, Rio Futaba reveals to Sakuta that she dreamed that she was Yuuma Kunimi's girlfriend. They then discuss how the dreams they've been having line up with Ikumi's theory of an alternate reality.
  • On January 9, Mai attends the Fujisawa Coming-of-Age Ceremony, and denies media speculation that she is Touko Kirishima. After the event, Nene finds Sakuta and informs him that she's free on January 30. Nodoka then encounters Sakuta and reminds him to be always there for Mai.
  • On January 30, Nene drives Sakuta to their destination to go shopping. On the way, she continues to insist she is Touko, by singing one of Touko's songs acapella.
  • Nene buys a scarf and tells Sakuta to give it to Takumi. Knowing that Nene remembered Takumi's birthday, Sakuta quickly snatches Nene's phone and uses it to call Takumi, pleading for him to wait at the airport for them. When they arrive and Sakuta hands over the scarf, Takumi denies ever having met Nene, and excuses himself to board his flight.
  • The following day, as Sakuta begins to learn how to drive a car, Miori has already passed. She takes Sakuta to Ofuna and discusses more about the Touko Kirishima phenomenon - specifically, that those who cover her songs and post them online are led to believe that they are Touko Kirishima, and disappear from public view.
  • After returning home, Sakuta gets a call from Takumi, who was attending the funeral of a friend in Hokkaido. Sakuta is given a conflicting warning.
  • On February 3, Sakuta goes to a specific location as instructed by a voicemail - which turns out to be Nene's home. Nene, about to throw her belongings away, denies that she was ever called Nene, causing Sakuta to leave with one of her pageant trophies instead. Sakuta quickly calls Rio, who, with the help of Sara, confirms to Sakuta that Nene is not Touko.
  • Sakuta decides to resolve Nene's Adolescence Syndrome by meeting with Takumi at Sapporo Airport. Ikumi accompanies him there, and Nene's trophy is the first thing Sakuta shows to Takumi on arrival, who suddenly remembers everything and cries.
  • Sakuta, Ikumi and Takumi fly home the following morning and quickly rush to find Nene, who isn't at her home. After seeing Nene about to drive away in a hire car, Takumi runs out in front of the car to stop it.
  • After Nene gets out and tries to walk away, Takumi calls her by name, brings out his scarf and vows to always love her. This causes Nene to cry and lament at what she turned herself into.
  • Nene then reminds Sakuta and Ikumi that she's not the only Touko Kirishima impersonator. Knowing this, they get Nene to drive them to the event involving Mai. The event is dangerously crowded - spectators push forward to get a better glimpse of Mai. As expected, Sakuta calls out to Mai and saves her from a heavy speaker that would fall on her. Sakuta is hit, only managing to stay up briefly before collapsing.
  • Sakuta is rushed to hospital, where all of Rio, Kunimi, Ikumi, Takumi, Nene, Tomoe, Sara, Kaede and Mai visit him, the latter also letting Nodoka and Uzuki talk to Sakuta over the phone.
  • On March 31, Sakuta passes his driving test and shows his newly-acquired licence to Miori. Miori notes that, with Mai's performance expected the following day, rumors are spreading that Mai is indeed Touko Kirishima.


  • Chapter One: "The World Dreams"
  • Chapter Two: "Reindeer's Work"
  • Chapter Three: "Someone"
  • Chapter Four: "No Dreams of Santa Claus"
  • Last Chapter: "The Day Before"



  • The name of this volume is the same as the name of the second season of the anime series.

