Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai Wiki
Rascal Does Not Dream of Siscon Idol
SBY v4 - Siscon Idol LN Cover
Volume Information
Kanji 青春ブタ野郎はシスコンアイドルの夢を見ない
Rōmaji Seishun Buta Yarō wa Shisukon Aidoru no Yume o Minai
Written by Hajime Kamoshida
Illustrated by Keeji Mizoguchi
Featured in Cover Nodoka Toyohama
Release Date May 9, 2015[1]
March 30, 2021 [2]
ISBN ISBN 9784048651356 (JP)
9781975312589 (EN)
Pages 360[1]
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Light Novel Volume 3 Light Novel Volume 5

Rascal Does Not Dream of Siscon Idol (青春ブタ野郎はシスコンアイドルの夢を見ない, Seishun Buta Yarō wa Shisukon Aidoru no Yume o Minai) is the fourth volume of the Seishun Buta Yarou light novel series.


Sakuta had been waiting excitedly for a chance to spend time with Mai again, but instead he's greeted by a stranger who looks just like her. Apparently, Adolescence Syndrome has forced her to swap bodies with Nodoka Toyohama, a flashy up-and-coming idol...who also happens to be Mai's sister from a different mother! Now, forced to pretend to be the other, the sisters go about their respective lives as best they can but it seems like Nodoka is preoccupied with something besides walking in Mai's shoes...

Story Notes[]

  • On September 1, Sakuta finds Mai after school, only to find out that she is actually Mai's half-sister Nodoka Toyohama, who had swapped bodies with Mai.
  • At Mai's apartment, the two half-sisters agree to live as each other for the time being. Sakuta essentially walks Nodoka to his school the next day.
  • The day after, Nodoka pleads to stay with Sakuta. They are overheard by Mai. Nodoka launches a verbal tirade on Mai, who responds calmly.
  • Mai stays over at Sakuta's apartment for the time being, while Nodoka stays at Mai's apartment.
  • Mai continues to train for a live concert with Nodoka's idol group, Sweet Bullet.
  • Nodoka, on the other hand, hyperventilates during one of Mai's routine shoots for a commercial. Sakuta witnesses this and informs Mai, who had been going for a run while in Nodoka's body.
  • Mai lends to Sakuta, a spare key to her apartment to check on Nodoka.
  • Before class the next day, on Yuuma's prompt, Saki Kamisato reveals her own inferiority complex with her older sister.
  • Sakuta visits Nodoka at Mai's apartment to clean up for her. At one point he looks inside the drawers that Mai specifically told him not to touch.
  • After Nodoka finally nails the commercial shoot, she decides that she wants her body back and become an idol.
  • When Sakuta returns home that day, he sees Kaede having changed into school uniform. Two days later, he meets with his father to update him on Kaede's progress.
  • After his shift at work that day, Mai gives Sakuta two tickets to the upcoming Sweet Bullet concert.
  • Nodoka and Sakuta attend the concert, the former concealing Mai's identity with a baseball cap and mask. After Mai's brilliant performance while in Nodoka's body, Sweet Bullet announce Nodoka to lead their next single.
  • Nodoka and Sakuta come across the fan meet-and-greet after the end of the concert. They notice Nodoka's mother, full of praise and smiles for who she believes is her daughter.
  • On their way home, Nodoka asks Sakuta to take her to the beach instead. Sakuta then witnesses Nodoka attempt to drown, and saves her before taking her to Mai's apartment, where he shows Nodoka the letters she wrote to Mai when she was younger.
  • Mai herself appears, and thanks Nodoka for the letters, because they helped her acting career when she was younger. Mai also encourages Nodoka to not depend on her mother's appraisal. They share a hug and their bodies revert to normal.
  • Mai suddenly receives a call from her agency alerting her of several photos of "herself" holding hands with Sakuta in public.
  • The day after, Mai comes clean over her relationship status in a press conference.
  • Several days later, Nodoka argues with her mother again, and moves into the spare room at Mai's apartment as a result.


  • Prologue
  • Chapter 1 — Sister Panic
  • Chapter 2 — The Cold War Commences
  • Chapter 3 — It's Not a Sister Complex
  • Chapter 4 — Complex Congratulations
  • Last Chapter — And the Fall Brings...
  • Afterword
  • Bonus — A Pubescent Low-Life’s Impish Kouhai


